Thursday, October 3, 2013

Obamacare, Gov't Shutdown, and Capitol Hill Shooting

Shooting at Capitol Hill

We will never know the entire truth when it comes to government, especially the American government. This is why I rarely blog about anything political; we only know what the media wants us to know. 

In any event, the Republicans have decided to shut down the federal government because of Obamacare -- this is what we know. How does this impact Americans? Many Americans have been on vacation the past few days for working in federal buildings. From what I understand, there are federally funded programs that are on halt, too. 

For instance, Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) has been on pause since the shutdown. How are these single-moms supposed to feed their child --in most cases, children -- if the WIC office is closed? Can you imagine the fear and anger a mother is experiencing because of this shutdown?

WIC has shut down because of Obamacare

For whatever reason, there's been a shooting at Capitol Hill this afternoon. According to the media, a woman attempted to ram into a vehicle at the White House's southwest gate. This led to a chase that included the Secret Service and at least 20 police vehicles.

Once the woman reached Capitol Hill, she opened fire. An officer was struck by either a bullet or shrapnel. In any event, this woman was killed by several shots to the head. 

What went on in this woman's mind to commit this act of suicide? We'll never know. Perhaps it was the little girl in the backseat of her car? 

What if Obamacare was staged to serve America's diabolical scheme?

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