Saturday, June 21, 2014

Are You A Queen and Goddess?

The way we act determines how people will treat us. People's actions are a direct response to the way we think and act. Meaning what? Well, if we carry ouselves with decorum, people will treat us as dignified individuals.

Women (not all) have this desire to be treated like Queens and Goddesses; yet, their actions (again, not all) aren't even't remotely regal or divine. You can't be belligerent, boisterous, and bitchy, but expect to treated like a Queen and a Goddess at the same time; there's nothing regal or divine about being beligerent, boisterous, or bitchy.

Let's take the god of the Bible. The god of the Bible is identified as being a jealous god. In fact, his name is jealous (Joshua 8:14). I don't know about you, but I find it hard to accept that an entity can be omnipotent and be jealous at the same time. How can a god be jealous of an idol or anything else for that matter when that god is supposedly all-powerful?

The same logic applies to women that are from Queenlike in their behavior and thinking. The same logic applies to men that are from god-like or King-like in their behavior and thinking. If you want to be treated like a Queen and a Goddess, perhaps you should act like one. If you want to be treated like a King and a God, perhaps you should start acting like one.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Sun Is God.

The Sun is God --
So Nature sings.
Dies in the Winter;
Resurrects in Spring.
Don't fly too close;
Will melt your wings.
Better find shade;
Sun rays sting.
K.O.C. --
Great as Louis the King,
XIV of France.
I dance in a ring;
Circle of Fire --
Bless Shiva Nataraja.
Rosary beads, or Aksamala?
No, not Janus, but Brahma:
Rig, Sama, Yajur, Atharva.
I seek the Book, the Swan, the Lotus.
Knowledge and the Universe is my focus.

But it's hard when you work hard.
Especially, when it's two jobs,
Write a few blogs;
On top of that -- hand out cards and network.
All this aspiration to augment my net worth.
Just to find out success hurts --
The loss of sleep, pseudo-friends,
Women that pretend;
When does it end?
When did it begin?
I swear the world's ruthless --
To every Jesus, a Judas.
For every Ceasar, a Brutus.
The history of Rome . . .
But you're Alicia Silverstone -- Clueless.
The Truth is always hidden in plain sight.
Taste death then resurrect in the same night.
Which pill to swallow?
It's Helios, or Apollo.
In these days of Darkness, the Sun I follow.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Forgetting Your Ex . . .

When is it too soon to forget your ex? I guess one can never really forget a former love. Especially when that person was your everything. Especially when the two of you were close and spent time together.

I mean, of course we live our lives day-to-day as we should. Eventually, we all move on, but does that necessarily mean that we forget our ex?

I remember forcing myself to do so. I'd try to keep myself busy -- exercise, read a book, see a movie. Anything to not think of her. But when you spent so much time with a person, it's kind of difficult to forget that person.

As of late, it's been kind of hard forgetting that person. I guess it's the timing; May, June, and the summer as a whole, are significant months; we began our relationship in May. June was our pseudo-honeymoon. I remember being very pensive about this person this time last year.

Some say the quickest way to get over an ex is to find someone new. But what if no else compares? What if no one else qualifies? What if  there isn't a person to help you forget your ex and you're confined to thinking about that person daily?

I don't know. I'm just throwing different ideas into the mix. It's kind of hard for me because everything little thing reminds  me of that person -- a song, an outfit, a hair-style, shopping, a Volkswagen . . . a Florida license plate.

Or maybe some of us aren't permitted to forget our exes? Perhaps some of us are confined to memories as punishment? Maybe pictures and cards of that person are life-lessons to teach value and appreciation of someone that is dear and irreplaceable?