Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dominus Illuminatio Mea

andRe Christos Helios: Writer, Graphic Artiest, Hierophant, Bachelor

The Light is my God and Darkness is your friend. 
Only ignorant men consider me the Son of Sin. 

The Wife No Husband Wants . . .

The Wife No Husband Wants: Judy Witwicky, Transformers

The married life. Some want it. Some dread it. While I've never been legally married, I can say that most of my relationships felt like a marriage. Meaning what? We'd fight like cats and dogs.

Personally speaking, that's not my cup of tea. I'm not interesting in bickering and fighting. I believe that a marriage signifies happiness; there's supposed to be harmony. For whatever reason, women think it's all about them. Ever heard of the sorry cliche, Happy wife, happy life?

Question: Why can't both partners be happy in the relationship? And what makes women think that their "happiness" in the relationship determines our happiness overall? Nevertheless, that cliche means one thing and one thing only: if she isn't happy, she is intentionally going to be a bitch and make you miserable.

Who wants that for a wife? Who wants a wife that nags about the littlest thing? What husband wants a wife that will bitch and complain until his ears fall off . . . about something not even remotely devastating? What man wants a childish brat for a wife? Sure, he might let you have your way to keep you from nagging, but that doesn't mean that he is happy.

If you think that you're hubby is "happy", you are mistaken; I've met husbands that have complained about their wives' behavior in the lunch room. For whatever odd reason, they won't voice their gripes to her, but when the fellas get together, it's a POW WOW and everything comes out.

If you still have no clue to the kind of wife I am describing, my best illustration is Judie Witwicky from Transformers. You know-the overly emotional, overly dramatic, irrational, high strung wife that is annoying.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Charles Ramsey: Hero or Joke?

Charles Ramsey-Sex, Religion, Politics

Hero or joke? This man rescues kidnapped women. His  reward? His criminal record is excavated. Then to add salt to the wound, there are a dozen restaurants in Cleveland that are "rewarding" him with free burgers for the rest of his life.

Yes, I laughed, too. It's a shame. It's a slap in the face how America views Black males. What does his criminal record have to do with him liberating imprisoned females? Nothing at all. It was nothing more but tactic to erase the idea that this man is not even remotely a hero. Yes, that's right-a Black male helps a person in need and that person's image gets tarnished.

The free burgers? Well, as told by Charles Ramsey, he stopped eating a McDonald's Big Mac to help those helpless victims. His reward for helping people in need and not finishing his murder-burger? Free burgers for the rest of his life.

Is it just me, or has Charles Ramsey been taken for a fool? If you think I'm overreacting, then watch this video.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mo'Nique . . . Was A Great, Big, Fat Person . . .

Buffalo Bill Remembers Correctly; Mo'Nique Was A Great, Big, Fat Person

Mo'Nique Becomes A Skinny B!tch?

Mo'Nique Ditches "Phat Girlz" To Be A"Skinny Bitch"

Comedian and actress, Mo'Nique, has become a skinny bitch! Why is this even worth mentioning? Mo'Nique has made a career taunting and ridiculing "skinny bitches" in her stand-ups. It seems that the joke was really on her; after all, Hollywood doesn't cater to "Phat Girlz".

Okay, so she has both an Academy and a Golden Globe Award. But that is not the point that I am making. My argument is this: plus-sized women are not  the standard of beauty in Hollywood. Mo'Nique knows this; why else would she lose 80 pounds?!

If you ask me, I think Mo'Nique made a career berating petite women in her jokes because inwardly, she envied them. She wanted to be them. She wanted to be that "skinny bitch". Now it's a reality. Mo'Nique has finally put the cheeseburgers down and shredded the repugnant fat.

But you know what? I'm not supporting her. Know why? She isn't true to herself and to her elephant fandom. She has exploited the unhealthy lifestyle of being fat, used it to her benefit to market herself as a proud-and-fat woman, and verbally attacked petite femmes in her comedy sketches-giving the idea to other hefty femmes that there is nothing wrong with being overweight.

Boycott Mo'Nique; she wasn't fat-and-proud. She was jealous of the petite woman and used "jokes" that degraded "skinny bitches" as a mask to conceal her  pain. But that's Hollywood for you . . .

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Reasons Black Men Date White Women . . .

I don't have any gripes against interracial relations. A person has the luxury to date anyone of a particular interest. When it comes to interracial romance, I would hope that it is because there is a genuine interest betweeen the two, rather than it be out of spite or anger.

For instance, some black men are so fed up with black women, that they will develop a romantic interest in a Latina or a Caucasian woman. There isn't anything wrong with that if it's a sincere love interest. It becomes an issue when you're a black man and you decide to date a white woman because a few black women were unloving.

This is an issue because it opens up a portal to hating black women. A handful of complicated black women do not represent black women as a whole. Perhaps more wisdom should be applied when choosing a mate?

In any event, I came across a youtube video (Why Black Men Prefer White Women) illustrating how some black men end up dating white women. Although it is outrageously hilarious, there is much merit to the video. For example, the video demonstrates how some black women are unlovable by showing how they are emotional disturbed and have behavorial issues. As a result, some black men become hopeless and confused. As a result, a white women ends up on their lap-figuritively and literally.

As aforementioned, I am not opposed to interracial dating. I don't have an issue if a black woman is dating an extraterrestial; that is her choice and she has that luxury. If she is doing so because that alien has the characteristics, qualities, and virtues that she is seeking in a companion, why not? But if she is doing it because of failed relationships with humans, she really isn't happy. Her motivation for being with ET is out of anger and spite.

Let this be a message to black men that date white women. There isn't anything wrong with it if that mate (i.e., that white woman) has what you are looking for in a companion. However, if you are with a white woman because you're pissed off with how black women have been treating you, then you need to reconsider your relationshiop with Snow White.