Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sex, Religion, Politics

Sex, Religion, Politics. Why sex, religion, and politics? Sex, religion and politics are three sensitive topics. You hear some people say, "There are three things I don't talk about: sex, religion and politics." Fortunately, I am not as empathetic as they are. As far as I am concerned, these are subjects that are not sensitive, but intriguing and captivating.

So let's reword that sentence immediately: sex, religion and politics are three interesting topics. Plus, if there is a scenario where more than one topic intertwines, the situation becomes more engaging. For instance, let's travel through time for a little bit. A few years ago, there was a New York politician that e-mailed raunchy photos of himself. The story made headlines for weeks. The media had a ball, and the public loved it; money was spent and money was made. Why? It was an interesting story and it was easy to sell for two reasons: it involved politics and sex. Then with the name Weiner . . . how could the story not be interesting?

I'm a smart man. I know what sells. Hands down-sex sells. People are interested in sex. We love to read about it. We love to watch it. Some of us even enjoy being behind the camera. At the end of the day, any topic that is sexually related is going to get your attention. In addition to that, how many people are religious? We've just exited the holiday season. I could have written about Thanksgiving, Christmas, Kwanza, Hanukah and someone would have read it. At the end of the day, it's going to develop interest. We just had the presidential elections. Need I say more?

Sex, Religion, Politics are topics or issues that are unavoidable because they are apart of our daily lives. I am motivated to generate income off of blogging. What's better than to talk about sex, religion, and politics? When all fails, I'll just upload a picture of a woman with a lustful ass and that's it!! I'll have a following (in fact, I'll make that a topic: Nice Asses.

The Mayhem, the Havoc, and the Controversy continue with . . . Sex, Religion, Politics.

andRe Christos Helios
the YHWH, His Royal Rudeness, K.O.C.

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