Monday, February 18, 2013

Emasculated Boyfriends . . .

When I didn't show any backbone and didn't stand up for myself, I was "nice, loving, and compromising". Those are the words of my ex. As long as I kept my mouth quiet and "tolerated" unappealing characteristics and didn't argue with her, I was the "best boyfriend ever".

Then things became overbearing. The negativity increased and my patience decreased. I started showing backbone. I started speaking up. I began to show disapproval of certain things and it was voiced. Suddenly, I became mean-spirited, a jerk, an asshole, and intolerant.

Is it just me, or are most women looking for a man that they can dominate, control and ultimately, emasculate? My ex was infamous for trying to shove down my throat, "The woman runs the house; she wears the pants in the house." Never mind the fact that she was not working. In addition, she adamantly believed that "the woman is always right".

If you've ever dated or know someone that is dating a  expletive  as this, you can testify that this kind of woman is  dominating, controlling and as a result, it compels the boyfriend (or if you was stupid enough, husband) to lose his masculinity.  She leads, he follows. He has to consult with her for any and everything. She says, "Jump!" and he asks, "How high?" Nothing goes down without her say so. Oh-and don't dare argue with her!

There isn't anything wrong with expressing your perspective. A loving and respectful spouse will value your perspective. If a man has to bite his tongue because the "woman of his dreams" will become irritated and confrontational if he shows some backbone, what does that say about the "love of his life"?

Don't be an emasculated boyfriend. If you're confused to what an emasculated boyfriend  is, look in the mirror. Do you let her be right when she is clearly wrong? Do you consult with her on things that really doesn't need her insight? Do you let her speak to you in any tone she pleases? Does she talk at  you as if you're her child instead of talking to  you like an adult? Does everything seem one-sided (i.e., everything is in her favor)? If so, you are an emasculated boyfriend.

Grow a pair. Don't be an emasculated boyfriend. Don't let her control and dominate you just so that you can get some nookie. Understand that you have the right to speak your mind just as much as she does. If she wants to wear the pants in the house, then tell her to mow the lawn. Tell her to get under the car and change the oil. Tell her to get off of her ass and get a job (i.e., sits home all day and thinks washing dishes is "work").

Be A MAN!!! Not an emasculated boyfriend

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