Monday, December 23, 2013

Why I Won't Date Fat Girls . . .

Fat people are physically lazy and mentally weak.
When I saw that picture, I became infuriated! Why? "But diet and exercise are lot of work." -- really? Watching what you eat and exercising is too much work? I find that to be an excuse to be lazy and not take care of yourself. I find that to be an excuse to be weak-minded. I find that to be an excuse to propagate erroneous self-love -- if overweight people truly loved themselves, they would take action to lead a healthier lifestyle, which includes dieting and exercising.

I diet and exercise -- I don't find it difficult at all. I am motivated and determined to be fit, in shape, and look a certain way. Even if it was "a lot of work", why would it matter? Life has challenges and only the weak derail from challenges. Only the weak look for shortcuts and easy way outs.

"She's accepts herself for who she is." Really? That's what you think? That's what you want to convince me to think -- that she's employing self-acceptance? Her weight doesn't look too bad. She is overweight, but what about the people that are morbidly obese? Yes, there is no way that they can look in the mirror and accept that crap!

Overall, I won't date fat girls for a reason and that reason is their mentality -- to them, "dieting and exercise is a lot of work." I find that to be a sign of laziness and weak-mindedness. It's not the weight that's an issue; the weight can always disappear with proper diet and daily exercise. It's the state of mind that's an issue -- the mentality that losing weight is hard or too challenging. The mentality of settling for less. 

I don't believe in settling less. I don't believe in being lazy. I actually value hard work. I can't and won't do it; I won't date fat girls because they are physically lazy and mentally weak.

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