Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Bill Cosby, The Premiere Rapist.

Frank Scotti admits to pay-offs for Bill Cosby.
This isn't new news -- allegations of Bill Cosby being a sexual predator has surfaced before, but with alleged victims coming forward on a daily basis, it may be hard this time to ignore the allegations and sweep them under the rug.

Of course, no one wants to believe that the lauded Cliff Huxtable is a sexual predator, but when you have one accusation after the other, well, there is little room for doubt, especially when the victim-count is piled up to 16.

More importantly, most, if not all the allegations, sound the same -- the alleged victim was drugged. it was at this point of mental disarray that Cosby pounced on his prey. This signifies consistency in his behavior -- he drugs his victims before sexually assaulting them.

Again, little room for doubt.

For instance, in 2005, Californian Lawyer, Tamara Green, appeared on the Today show and accused Cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting her during the 1970's. In addition to this, during the mid-1980's, Cosby was in a relationship with Beth Ferrier, who also alleged Cosby drugging her. She claims that she woke up in her car disoriented with her bra undone and clothes in disarray. As if developing a pattern, Cosby is then accused of assaulting another woman -- Barbara Bowman. According to People, Cosby's assaulted Bowman in 1986, using the same tactics  -- a drug.

Bill Cosby as Cliff Huxtable
And the list of accusers goes on: Joan Tarshis, Linda Joy Traitz, and Janice Dickinson.

If I was a betting man, I'd say Cosby did sexually assault those females. But why speculate with little evidence? According to the Daily News, Frank Scotti was responsible for handling hush-money. He admitted that young models were in Cosby's dressing room and that he had them paid off.

This seems to be the reason why this kind of news is just now reaching epic proportions -- either defense attorneys didn't want to prosecute or victims settled out of court, which helped the allegations disappear.

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